D.W. Smith Fellowship

The Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies is pleased to sponsor an annual research fellowship designed to promote research into the eighteenth century. The fellowship is named in honour of David W. Smith, professor of French at the University of Toronto. Professor Smith is a founding member of the Society and a distinguished scholar of the eighteenth century.​

This fellowship supports students and researchers who do not have ready access to institutional sources of research funding. Accordingly, full-time university professors (whether tenure-track or tenured) are not normally eligible for consideration. The fellowship is awarded competitively each year in early spring. Applications are welcome in either of the Society's two official languages, French or English. Applications from previous holders of the fellowship are accepted, but will be adjudicated as lower priority.

Application Details

Sponsor: Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies

Value: $3,000.00 (awarded annually)

Eligibility: Graduate doctoral students (from their third year onwards), postdoctoral researchers, part-time professors or instructors, full-time non-tenure-track professors, and independent researchers. Applicants must be members in good standing of CSECS at the time of their application.

Purpose: To fund research into any aspect of eighteenth-century studies.

Deadline: 30 April (awards announced in late May)

Language: Applications may be submitted in either English or French.

How to Apply?

To apply for a D. W. Smith Fellowship, please submit the following:

  • a curriculum vitae (maximum of 2 pages)
  • a title and a description of your research proposal (maximum of 1,000 words, single-spaced). Your proposal must include a provisional budget, with a justification of proposed expenditures.

Please send your application package to Joël Castonguay-Bélanger, CSECS President (joel.cb@ubc.ca) who will forward it to the Fellowship Committee.

Past Recipients

Amelia Mills (English Department, Loughborough University), “Aphra Behn, translation, and disseminating ideas”
Jolène A. Bureau (Département d’histoire, Université du Québec à Montréal), «Les voix oubliées des femmes de la Montagne»

Flora Amann, «Projet d'édition critique des Observations d’un sourd et muet de Pierre Desloges (1779)»

Karenza Sutton-Bennett and Kelly Plante, «Online critical edition of Charlotte Lennox’s The Lady’s Museum»

Jacinthe De Montigny, «La perception du Canada dans l'opinion publique anglaise et française au midi du XVIIIe siècle (1754-1763)»
Willow White, "Dramatizing Indigenous Women of North America on the Eighteenth-Century London Stage: Aphra Behn's The Widow Ranter; or, The History of Bacon in Virginia (1690)."

Kandice Sharren, "Readers in the Margins: Texts, Paratexts, and the Politics of Romantic-era Fiction"

Yoojung Choi, "Women's Travels in British Literature and Culture from 1650 to 1750"

Alessia Rizzo: "Expositions de la place Dauphine in the 1720s and in the 1730s. A Reflection of Eighteenth-Century Paris Painting"

Cristina S. Martinez, "Allan Ramsay: The Dissemination and Impact of A Painter's Oeuvre Across the Atlantic"

Kathryn Desplanques

Terry F. Robinson, University of Toronto

Rose Logie, University of Toronto: "Masculinities in French Painting"

Louise Curran, University College London
Anne-Sophie Gallo, Université de Grenoble II

Yunko Akamatsu, University of London
Sören Hammerschmidt, Ghent University

Geneviève Lafrance, « Écrire la peur sous la Révolution française : discours et récits »
Anna Miegon, "Behind the Phenomenon of The Ladies' Diary: Almanac Editors, their Collaborators, and the Company of Stationers, 1714-1754"

Joël Castonguay-Bélanger, « Le recours à l'opinion publique dans la critique et la promotion de l'autorité scientifique. La croisade de Louis-Sébastien Mercier contre Newton »
Cécile Champonnois, « Le Voyage de deux opéras comiques au dix-huitième siècle »

Isabelle Pichet, « La mise en exposition des Salons de l'Académie de peinture et de sculpture au XVIIIe siècle. L'apport du Tapissier »
Kristen E. Campbell, "Presence, Absence and Narratives of Loss: Spaces of Viewing in London 1770-1815"

Chantal Turbide on L'Encyclopédie des Voyages in the 16th to 18th centuries

Alexander McKay, "The Transient Glance, the Claude Mirror and the Picturesque"